Tech Talk: Dave
Tech Talk
Who better to ask about locks than the knowledgeable technicians who work on them every day? This month, we’re switching things up and featuring Dave, from our client care team. He has almost 2 years of industry experience and has a unique perspective because he also worked in property management for 18 years. Dave knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the project and can determine win-win solutions for owners, management, and tenants.
Q: How does your experience in property management lend itself to your work in Client Care with FedLock?
A: I know how difficult each day can be when you have a long list of priorities that must be accomplished, but first, you must get through all the things that come at you in a typical day, before you can get to those priorities. That is why I have a deep respect for the time that a property manager or building engineer spends with me when I am at their property. I know and respect the value of their time.
Q: What is Client Care?
A: FedLock Client Care means partnering with a client to lessen and eliminate the worry and stress of their physical security projects and issues. We move those issues from their “to do” list, to their “completed/accomplished” list, in an efficient and professional manner.
Q: What sets FedLock apart from their competitors?
A: The people who make FedLock their place of work. It is amazing to be part of a group of people who come from different places, backgrounds and have different tasks, yet work in accord with one another to get the job done. It is no coincidence that FedLock was my physical security contractor when I was in property management.