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Tech Talk: Duane

by Stacey Simmons

Who better to ask about locks than the knowledgeable technicians who work on them every day? This month, we’re featuring Duane. He has 9 years of experience and is knowledgeable about a variety of hardware, including safe and SCIF locks. If Duane has ever been to your building, you know he always has a smile on his face.

Q: What is your favorite type of lock to repair/replace? Why?
A: I like working with LKM hardware and X-10 locks. This was my most recent training subject and I’ve really enjoyed the process of learning how to troubleshoot, install, and replace the hardware. 

 Q: What advice would you give about locks to help clients in their everyday lives?
A: Buy a reputable lock, add some type of video security (such as a camera system, Ring doorbell, etc.), and implement a steel security door where you can. These precautionary measures serve as deterrents to reduce security threats.

Q: What is the most memorable job you’ve completed? 
A: My most memorable job was drilling Best cores for a government client with our Senior Tech, Eric. It was early in my career and my first experience drilling interchangeable cores, and I have never forgotten the technique.